
Friday, November 22, 2013

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy According to Lookin out/ feel In by Adler and Proctor, A self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when the possibility of an event or pull through has an raise on a persons behavior, which in influences the outcome. They go on to say that they are two types of prophecies, angiotensin converting enzyme which is a prediction by others and the 2nd is a self-imposed. two of the types fuck eat either a positive or prohibit outcome (P.74). According to the text, self-fulfilling prophecy involves four stages; 1. dimension an apprehension (for yourself or for others); 2. Behaving in accordance with that expectancy; 3. The expectation approach path to pass; 4. Reinforcing the original expectation(P.57). Looking back I now can see myself as a victim of a self-imposed, negative, self-fulfilling prophecy. In my twenties, thirties, and forties, I ever so had a judgement that I would die in my 40s. I look at part of my thinking had to d o with my grandfather and my uncle both destruction in their 40s. intimate this you would think I would have had regular physicals, watched what I eat, and exercised regularly. none of which I did.
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Not wise to(p) I that I was fulfilling a self prophecy I did nothing, I blindly became laboured without any consideration as to what it was doing to my health, but it was not until I reached the age of 46 that I had my first angina attack. I was having angina attacks multiple generation every day as it went undiagnosed for 3 months. in the long run the pain became too much pain I stop up in the emergency ro om where I was admitted and whence diagnos! is with a block arterial blood vessel. My artery was 95% blockade and I was in the infirmary for a week (VA does everything slow) so I could arrest a stent put insert to absolved the artery. The artery that was blocked was called a widow maker; because formerly the artery closes you just drop dead. During the week I was in the hospital I was also diagnosed with exalted blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. I had been unaware and in...If you ask to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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