
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Real Insurgency Suicide Rates in the Military Ranks...

Suicide in the United States is the 11th leading cause of death, with over 32,000 killing themselves per year. While some causes or explanations for suicide will never be known, depression or other diagnosable mental or substance abuse disorders top the list of more than 90 percent of why lives are torn from us. Over the last couple years around the military there has been much debate on whether this rate has been drastically affected by the increased military footprint from fighting two wars. Prior to the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military suicide rate was well below the civilian rate. The sharpest increase started within the Army and Marine Corps shortly after 2001, as these services were the most involved in combat.†¦show more content†¦This brought on a national effort using government and multiple private companies and surveys like one conducted by Millennium Cohort, who traced the health of thousands of service members of six decades. Researches stu died cases of current and former service members of over 150,000 collecting the valuable data points. Precious data was collected by these services to include from the National Death Index and Defense department personnel records. After correlating suicide with the data presented by the surveys, the researchers concluded that rates were highest among men and among people with manic-depressive problems. NDI also found using a small group of 83 service members who committed suicide that 58 percent had never deployed. â€Å" Despite universal access to health care services, mandatory suicide prevention training, and other preventive efforts, suicide has become one of the leading causes of death in the US military in recent years.1- 3 Suicide rates across the population of active-duty US military personnel began to increase sharply in 2005 from a baseline rate of 10.3 to 11.3 per 100 000 persons to a rate of 16.3 per 100 000 persons in 2008, with the highest rates among Marine Corps and Army personnel (19.9 and 19.3 per 100 000 persons).4 Since 2009, suicide rates among those on active-duty status have stabilized at approximately 18Show MoreRelatedArmed Forces Special Powers Act in India8058 Words   |  33 Pagesof Assam or the Union territory of Manipur, as the case may be, to be a disturbed area. 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